Wednesday 10 July 2013

Untold Secrets

Helo Peeps..

Today i'm going to share with you all about some of untold secrets..Yeah, some of secret that never been told..but i'm going to tell it..

First of all, credit to Untold Secret Twitter Team

1.  Carrot used to be Purple, not Orange

2. George Washington grew Marijuana in his garden

3. Cheetahs are faster than Ferrari Enzo

4. In Spain, a school is offering a professional course in prostitution and it guarantees a job offer on graduation.

5. Elephants are actually terrified of Bees and Mice.

6. A Woman in Russia once caught her boyfriend cheating when she saw his photo with another woman using street views on Google Maps.

7. In Us, people can be rejected from joining the police force if they are too intelligent.

8. If the human eyes is a digital camera, it would have 576 Megapixels.

9. The sun is actually white, not yellow.

10. Goodbye came from "God bye" which came from " God be with You"

11. If you are too embarrassed to buy a condoms, you are too young for a sex.

12. Athazagoraphobia is the Fear of being forgotten or ignored by someone whom you strongly care about.

13. If a friendship is lasts longer than 7 years, physiologist say it will last time.

14. Vodka are made from Potatoes. Potatoes are Vegetables.

15. Whenever a person falls in love, they lose an average 2 friend.

16. In North Korea, it is not 2013. The year is 102, because North Korea marks year from the birth of Kim-II sung, not Jesus.

17. Disney World actually more larger than 17 countries.

18. Loneliness cause people to take longer showers, sleep longer and over think.

19. Females with an A in their first name tend to be more Beautiful,intelligent and live longer.

20. 97% people do not know Osama bin Laden was a CIA Agent in 1980.

21. When searching for online plane ticket, delete cookies. Prices go up if you visit a multiple times.

22. Staying awake for 17 hours has a same effect of drinking two wines.

23. Mosquito not only bite you, they also pee after sucking your blood.

24. MC Donald's open a new restaurant every 4 hours.

25. Allegedly, over 30% of Twitter Account are fake account created by the FBI and CIA to spy on people and monitor social networking activity.

26. Marijuana is illegal but has never caused any deaths from usage, Cigarettes kills millions and they are legal and can be purchased anywhere.

27. At Pittsburgh Children's hospital, window cleaners dress up as Spider Man and Captain America to raise the spirits of the sick kids.

28. BMW recalled its GPS System with female voices in Germany because male drivers were not willing to take directions from female voice.

29. 0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians and 24,813 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since 1967.

30. There's an 80% chance that the money in your wallet/pocket/purse contains traces of cocaine.

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